Venezuelan Crisis Fast Facts



Malnutrition due to lack of critical imports of food and a failed economy has ravaged the country’s citizens, with the undernourishment rate quadrupling since 2012.


Lack of Medicine.

Due to limited access of lifesaving medications, medical infrastructure, and reputable doctors, roughly 300,000 people’s lives are at risk.


Venezuela’s economy has declined so severely to the point where government safety net programs have largely collapsed, resulting in a staggering 90% poverty rate in 2019.


Economic Decline.

Unlike many crises, Venezuela’s is not one caused by conflict, but rather by severe mismanagement of its economic policies and industries. Since 2013, its economy has contracted by 65%, the most significant decline not caused by war in the past 45 years.


By the end of 2019, roughly 4.6 million Venezuelans fled the nation. It is estimated that this number grew to 6.5 million throughout 2020, surpassing the severity of the Syrian crisis.



Rapid economic decline coupled with crippling sanctions has caused Venezuelan unemployment to be at roughly 44% in 2019, and it is estimated to have hit 50% in 2020.